What to say to a beautiful girl?

GARUDA dijo:
What do you say to a beatiful girl? :p:p:p I'm asking because i don't know !!! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p[/quote

The first thing to do is introduce your self and then ask her name, If the quimic came up,, the heart will take care of the rest.

Good Luck.....
There's a place called "the bottom of your heart". Never mind finding it since it was created by women, and men just pretended to found it.

Then you just go by, and start any pickup line by "Let me tell you, from the bottom of my heart (or soul... works too) and they'll be at least intrigued. Don't expect that from the first second she gets fully connected with you, but at least she would be ready to pay attention to the next thing you'll say. All you need is to get her to pay attention so your words will be heard and won't waste any time.

I'm shy too, very shy, and I found some other way to get to the girl that I like: if you can't say it at the beginning, then write it. Get inspired, and try to get as close you can to poetry. Tell her exactly how you feel, let her know you like her, but that you're so nervous you can't talk to her. If all that writing causes is her to laugh, then she's so shollow it won't be worth it to go on. I believe all "good" girls, those worth you're care (usually shy guys are more romantic than average and we deserve someone to apreciate that) like writings... ask any girl..... how many love letters has she written? That's one of the first things they do as they learn how to write :p

So use that for the first contact if you're absolutely incapable to get personal contact...

That's my advise.... for example there are some dramatic cases when even writing comes to be so dificult that you're not able to finish it and then you let loose the opportunity.... in my case... I wasn't even able to finish writing HIADA... and now I think I lost any chance to get to know her... and now It's too late.... but that's exactly why now it's not so troubled to let her now that it's been two years since I saw her picture and still have it in my PC. Just looking at it makes me smile ;) ... YES... THAT BEAUTYFUL SHE IS! XXX
Learn how to play the guitar..i just play my guitar and sing a couple of songs ..and that's it...girls just go crazy!
dont have a monotone life jejejej i dont remember the word in english
go with teh girls to everywhere i doesn't matter if you are poor or rich go with your girl in bus, taxi, and car go to an expensive restaurantes like hatsuhana or pesquera jaramillo, and go to cheeper food market like perros alonsin , jr, el calidoso, empanadas de 1000 and always do things diferent and the girls always will stay with you because you are funny
juandavidlom dijo:
dont have a monotone life jejejej i dont remember the word in english
go with teh girls to everywhere i doesn't matter if you are poor or rich go with your girl in bus, taxi, and car go to an expensive restaurantes like hatsuhana or pesquera jaramillo, and go to cheeper food market like perros alonsin , jr, el calidoso, empanadas de 1000 and always do things diferent and the girls always will stay with you because you are funny

I`m totally agree with you!!!

... if you're tryin' to match that girl you must say her she's the one, she's the wonderful one in this word.. and some like.."ohh.. you're so hot"... mm... or " you've a nice humps/butt.. I really like it!..".. some thing like that.. I'm just a beginner .. lol :p
My advice: Be yourself, if you are stupid, this will come from your mouth. If the girl likes your way, you can talk anything to her, even stupid things!!! :p :p
ok so it depends you cant really go to a girl and say hey i like you lets hook up, is not that easy, but just be yourself speak normally like you would to a friend, most importantly LISTEN to what she says, ask KEY questions like what do you,what do you like i usually have 3 little questions 1.what is your favorite type of music, 2, whats your favorite cuisine, 3 what are your hobbies, why?really easy 1 will tell me places to take her out and the type of music she likes,2 will tell me the type of restaurants, dining places, and stuff like that to ask her out, 3 that will tell me things she likes to do and gives me a SUBJECT to have a mutual conversation about, plus it tells me about her personality. now if your going to introduce yourself be original , like get close to her and look at her in different angles and say yes yes is true , she will say what what is true and you will say that your very pretty or beautiful and she will say thank oh well thank you, and you will say by the way i am ............. look at what she was doing before you came to talk to her, she was drinking what was she drinking, she was reading what was she reading, and stuff like that. always works for me............. and damn this is on page 5 i just saw page 1 lol.......
Ja Ja Ja (tos)...

HIADA dijo:
mmmm I am not beautiful but...
You should say normal thinks, it is better than trying to be interesting.

You most be joking Hiada!!!:enojado:
Yes you are...:cansado:
And you are right, but is hard to be so... spontaneous.:p
Bye and muack!!!:rolleyes:
lol that's not cute at all!!!
I would get blushed! but mad at the same time.
What an odd situation.
HIADA dijo:
w0w thank you.
Have you seen me??
Trust me I am not =)

waaaa I want to find a interesting guy! :(
I might be interesting, but you didn't pay a bit of attention back a few years ago when I was brave enough to share my interest in you, and now is too late... coz I'm taaken and loving it. :S

And by the way..... you're so so wrong cause you are so DAMN HOT!!!!
w0w this topic is becoming hot :p

What you mean I did not pay attention??
I don't even know you! or do I??

Anyway, I'm looking for an itneresting guy =)
HIADA dijo:
w0w this topic is becoming hot :p

What you mean I did not pay attention??
I don't even know you! or do I??

Anyway, I'm looking for an itneresting guy =)

What matters know is that you realize how wrong you are about your beautyness

To show you how crazy I was about you, I had to dig a lot into the forums to get a photo of you. Anytime you authorize me, I'll send it to you so you'll see how far back I was paying attention. I had the courage to psot something for those days but it passed unnoticed. That's why you don't know me.

But that's OK... I know it's very premature since you just heard of me, but count on me I'll help you find an "interesting" man LOL

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