What to say to a beautiful girl?

When you see a beatiful girl, the first that you must say is:
Your eyes are like the heaven in spring....
It really works.


This Topic is really fun
But i like the Spanglish Too

Ok, everyone flirting with Hiada... BACK OFF!!! SHE'S MINE!!!! jejeje.

I hope to see ya on LC8, but seems like its not gonna be easy for me to go :(

HIADA dijo:
w0w thank you.
Have you seen me??
Trust me I am not =)

waaaa I want to find a interesting guy! :(

I'm so interestin ''hiada''...:barba:
But maybe you want more and more flirts...(scuz' me if the word is wrong)
Well... Hiada...Maybe we dont look at you ''face to face'' but youtube have a lot of videos were you are...
By the way...
Tri to say sometink sweet to a ''beautyful guy'':p

:S Ok For me in spanish it's too hard to say sometime to a girl... so in english it's almost impossible...:S

I don't know something like... "you are an angel... " i dont know... too hard...

ok here the steps t met a beautifil girl:
1. say hi
2. find similar items
3. talk about your family, your study, your hobbies
4. make her happy with little jokes, admire her body, face, hair and skin, but very proudent
5. try to kiss her but slowly
6. See her eyes to eyes (very important in the hole conversation)
7. Present her to your friends, and your friens to her
8. Finally if you and she wants, go bed with her
9. If everything goes rigth, CONGRATULATIONS and i hope you a nice SEX !!!!1
ok here the steps t met a beautifil girl:
1. say hi
2. find similar items
3. talk about your family, your study, your hobbies
4. make her happy with little jokes, admire her body, face, hair and skin, but very proudent
5. try to kiss her but slowly
6. See her eyes to eyes (very important in the hole conversation)
7. Present her to your friends, and your friens to her
8. Finally if you and she wants, go bed with her
9. If everything goes rigth, CONGRATULATIONS and i hope you a nice SEX !!!!1

Until step 7 everything was ok, but later, maybe I made something wrong?? :s :p
Until step 7 everything was ok, but later, maybe I made something wrong?? :s :p

LOL...the step by step guide should be unmistakable buddy...perhaps you made something wrong as you posted, you said something forbidden at first date or something like that...anyway what really matters is the experience...Cheers!!!

Atte: Carlos Figueroa.
hmmm im that men
the only prob here is where is my dream girl?
well i here in my room waiting for her jejeje

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