What to say to a beautiful girl?

I have a question for guys!!!

if you are a shy guy... what kind of girls do you like???
or how can a girl tell you that she likes you! I want to know the best way to do it
HIADA dijo:
if you are a shy guy... what kind of girls do you like???

I consider myself as a shy guy, I like when the girl takes the first step. That's the kind of girls that I like
If the girl doesn't have a p*nis then she is the kind of girl I like.

Girls that take the first step? Society lacks of that kind of girls
if your ugly they will never take the first step :D

if it hasnt happend yet it will but by someone uglier then yourself :D
The thing that works for me, it´s to make her laugh, no matter how. If she´s happy with you, then you can make your move.

But if you are ugly...nevermind.... lol!!!
HIADA dijo:
I have a question for guys!!!
1. if you are a shy guy... what kind of girls do you like???
2. or how can a girl tell you that she likes you! I want to know the best way to do it
1. This question has no answer... Every man has his own personality and tastes. There is no "prototype woman" for a shy guy.

2. In my short experience... The one and only way is to SAY it. If you never tell him about; u will be unable to know if his feelings are the same (In my case Thx God that was true :p)

One tip: ¿What is worse than being uncertain about something?

Just My two cents... =)

HIADA dijo:
or how can a girl tell you that she likes you! I want to know the best way to do it
Yes, I think the best way to be certain about this is by saying it!, otherwise you'll be always wondering yourself what could have happened if u would've told that person about your feelings:s... You just have to choose the right momet and then open your heart, I guess each person has a way to do this...I don't think there's a technique for this

I know this is really hard, specially when you're a shy person, but if you keep waiting... you could miss your chance chance:s.

what if I said it?? jiijiji and his best friend fell in love with me??
it sucks!
what a situation... so.. they guy does not want to have anything with me since his friend is in love with me...

unlucky girl :p
as the first step is get some information about the girl "likes, dislikes, music" then I try to talk to her about her things, after a while if she is interested it's the time for a beer, if she doesn't, then I ask for her phone number and say good bye "forever", i'm a little shy but i do what i can.
i Just say..

"I like you Girl..And now, you´re part of my story, if you let me..i can be patrt of yours too..."

jajajajajaj ...Greetings!!!

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