SObre una animacion en flash


Lanero Reconocido
1 Abr 2008
Hola a todos, bueno tengo el siguiente problema no se practicamente nada de flash, y he visto varias webs y me ha gustado, las animaciones consisten en:

2.Titulo y texto descriptivo con un link, enalce que amplia la informacion
3.Botones para cambiar de imagen

Algunas animaciones de stas estan en estas webs.

Lo que quisiera saber es que si alguien tiene alguna idea de como hacer esto en flash, o si existe algun script que haga eso automaticamente, gracias de antenamo por su ayuda :D
bueno ya te auto respondiste, de igual manera te recomiendo para hacer animaciones en flash un programa q se llama Swich es muy bueno y demasiado fácil de utilizar.
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a WoW Gold genre of online computer role-playing games (CRPGs) in and which a large number of players interact with one another in a virtual world. As in all RPGs, So please try WoW Powerleveling and players assume the role of a fictional character not Runescape Powerleveling and (most commonly in a fantasy world),and take control over many of that character's actions.MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player CRPGs by the number of players, and by the game's persistent world, usually hosted by the game's publisher, which continues to exist or and evolve while the player is away from the game.someone said that is a great idear,but i think it's a nice choose! why? because that and Maple Story Mesos it's a best games items for mmorpg,and somefor games player not to be our best games,lol~ we should try and buy some also we can learn some to improve our games account! ThanksRunescape

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